Discover CranioSacral for Conception, Pregnancy & Childbirth

Discover CranioSacral Therapy For Conception, Pregnancy, and Birthing

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on approach that works through the craniosacral system to alleviate a range of disorders and to improve health. Because of the non-invasive nature of this modality, it has virtually no negative side effects. The application of CST principles can be used to facilitate the process of pro-creation from the initial thought of becoming prospective parents to the successful delivery of the child.

All of the amazing changes that take place in an expectant mother’s anatomy show the beautiful design of her body, and how prepared her body is to conceive and nurture a baby through the gestation period. This is a wonderful example of the body’s intelligence and why we should follow its lead. This is also why CST works so well. Under the premise that the human body wants to correct (heal) itself, and that both mother and baby (fetus) know what needs to be undertaken to affect a successful delivery, CST can be applied prior to conception, through pregnancy, labor, and delivery. This is empowering to the mother and child, as well as to the father and family of the newborn.

As the pregnancy progresses, CST techniques are employed which focus on the mother and baby as individuals concurrently while functioning as one. The results have significantly demonstrated that the process is facilitated and the outcomes are improved.

Complementing traditional methods of prenatal care with the appropriate use of CST may preclude the need for other more invasive techniques. CST may also ease the recovery from necessary invasive procedures. Ideally, the birth will be remembered as a wonderful experience and the “labor” as a labor of love.

CranioSacral Therapy strengthens the body’s ability to take better care of itself. It helps alleviate a range of illness, pain, and dysfunction, including but not limited to:

  • Chronic Neck, Back, and Joint Pain

  • Headaches and Migraines

  • Morning Sickness

  • Stress and Tension-related Problems

  • Fatigue

  • Emotional Difficulties

  • Challenges with conception-’getting the house in order’ to prepare for the baby.

  • Many other conditions related to pregnancy and their effects on mother and child as the pregnancy develops.

    There are over 100,000 CST practitioners worldwide. Practitioners who offer CranioSacral Therapy for conception, pregnancy, and birthing include osteopathic physicians, doctors of Oriental medicine, naturopathic physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, Rolfers and other licensed body workers.

CranioSacral Therapy Benefits

Through the on-going use of CST during pregnancy and delivery the following clinical findings have been noted.

  • CST has been able to be used instead of Pitocoin to both start and/or augment labor.

  • Adequate progress for the Active Phase of the First Stage of Labor (4-10 cm dilation)—1.0 cm per hour—mothers receiving Cst have not shown any evidence of prolonged labor.

  • Infants born to those mothers who have received epidurals have shown non-negative effects of the epidural.

  • While birthing a baby quickly may imply “more efficiency,” and while our average Second Stage (time pushing) is shorter when CST is applied, speed is not necessarily a sought after goal. Optimizing whatever time it takes IS the goal.

  • None of the babies born have required resuscitative efforts.

  • Common phrases used by mothers after first few weeks include: “good babies, alert, not fussy, at peace with him/her, calm.”

  • Mothers report recovering more quickly and that the adjustment to motherhood is not difficult, or not as difficult, compared with the birth of their other children.

  • Breastfeeding seems to be more easily accomplished and parents seem to be enjoying their children more.

  • Applying CST during a new mother’s first labor and delivery appears to assist the mother through subsequent labor and deliveries.

  • Involving fathers-to-be and siblings-to-be during CST sessions can strengthen the bond within the entire family.

  • Employing the techniques we have developed appear to be producing consistent, predictable results.

Clinical Discoveries

A typical CST session takes place in a quiet setting with the mother-to-be resting on a massage table in a position most comfortable for her. A new mom is usually treated in a seated position or lying on a table with her baby.

Using a light touch—generally no more than the weight of a nickel—the therapist monitors the rhythm of the fluid that circulates throughout the central nervous system of the mother-to-be and the baby to detect potential imbalances. Delicate hands-on techniques are then used to release any tensions that may be affecting either the mother-to-be or baby. Similar hands-on treatments are applied to a new mom and her baby.

A session can last from 15 minutes to more than an hour. The result is a central nervous system that is more free of restrictions and a body that’s better able to return to its greatest levels of health and performance.

What Does It Feel Like?

It’s no wonder mothers-to-be and babies respond so favorably to CST. The central nervous system is very accepting of this gentle therapy, and especially so in regards to a baby’s still-developing central nervous system.

Even a single session can help the mother-to-be and baby achieve priceless benefits. Additional sessions can extend and strengthen the results. The therapist will develop a treatment plan with the mother-to-be that meets her needs and goals.

How Many Sessions Does It Take?

A mother doesn’t just ‘give birth’; it is an interaction between two human beings.
— Dr. Harlan Ellis

“ The inner wisdom of a fetus and an infant is every bit intelligent as that of an adult. It knows what its body needs to correct its dysfunctions. It knows why those dysfunctions are present. It has a softer voice than the adult inner wisdom. Therefore, the CranioSacral Therapist must learn to listen more carefully. Once the connection is made, all the information you need will be forthcoming. “

-John E. Upledger, DO, OMM : Developer of CranioSacral Therapy.

Information taken from Upledger Productions brochure that we hand out in the office.

2017-2018 Upledger Productions. DCAU REV 10/18