Discover Craniosacral Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of the body’s craniosacral system. The craniosacral system is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. By freeing the central nervous system to perform at its best, CST naturally reduces and enhances health and well-being. Because it’s so gentle, CST has proven effective for people of all ages.

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

A typical CST session is performed fully clothed on a comfortable padded table, or in a seated position. Through gentle touch, the therapist begins monitoring the rhythm of the fluid flowing around the central nervous system. Delicate manual techniques facilitate the release of restrictions in the body and head, thus improving the function of the central nervous system. The sessions are generally deeply relaxing, creating feelings of gentle pulsation, warmth and tissue release. A CST session can last a few minutes to over an hour. It can be used alone or integrated with other therapies to enhance well-being.

How is CST Performed?

SomatoEmotional Release (SER) is a process that helps to release trapped emotional energy and facilitate the discharge of trauma and injury. The body frequently retains an emotional imprint of physical injury, especially of intense feelings. These emotional imprints often get deposited in the body, creating areas called “energy cysts.” The body can adapt to energy cysts, but as more stress builds throughout life, the body can lose its ability to accommodate and uncomfortable symptoms often become more difficult to suppress. In those cases, an individual may experience an SER during the CST session. The individual will often spontaneously move into the same position they were in when the injury occurred, as this allows the trapped emotional energy to escape along the same pathway it took when it entered the body. The tissues may soften and relax, and the body is free to return to optimal levels of functioning.

What is SomatoEmotional Release?

The Role of CranioSacral Therapy in Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Research and numerous case studies have shown CranioSacral Therapy (CST) has been beneficial when treating physical and mental injuries from:

  • Combat

  • Natural disasters

  • Sports

  • Family violence

  • Acts of terrorism

CST is particularly effective for patients who have suffered PTSD, including concussion and head trauma. When provided by advanced CST therapists trained to evaluate and treat changes in the craniosacral system, integration into the medical treatment plan can be started as soon as clearance from the attending physician is obtained. When CST is incorporated consistently throughout the acute and rehabilitation process, long term benefits and the potential of full recovery is maximized.

CranioSacral Therapy and the Treatment of PTSD

I started having panic attacks when I was a child growing up in an environment with constant violence. CST has given me the opportunity to release these past traumas and create pathways in dealing with stress and perceived threats. PTSD is absolutely a disease of dis-connection in ourselves and with others. CST is the bridge back home to self.
— TP, California
After two tours in Iraq, I was only sleeping 4 hours a night (before the therapy). After CranioSacral Therapy I felt better. By the end of the week, I was getting 9 hours at a stretch. I felt more relaxed and able to focus.
— Senior Chief GR

Information taken from Upledger Productions brochure that we hand out in the office.

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